Five International Students Visit Mechanical Engineering Lab

Five International Students Visit Mechanical Engineering Lab

On October 4, 2024, Universitas Malikussaleh welcomed five international students from various universities in Europe for an exciting visit to the Mechanical Engineering Lab at the Faculty of Engineering. As part of a global academic exchange program, the students explored innovative projects being developed by the university’s mechanical engineering students, with a particular focus on an energy-efficient electric vehicle.

The international group included Frédérique Agnes Hoogland from Windesheim University in the Netherlands, studying Global Project and Change Management; Jørgen Prytz Fremnes from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, specializing in Biomarine Innovation; Raphaël Hauters from Esme France, majoring in Electrical Engineering; Ariel Claude and Patrick Chambaz from Ipitech France, both studying Informatic Engineering; and Yohana Renelaine Bilba from Insa Lyon University, France, who is also specializing in Electrical Engineering.

During the visit, the group was particularly fascinated by the energy-efficient electric vehicle, designed and built by Universitas Malikussaleh’s mechanical engineering students. The vehicle, which uses an electric motor and is designed to minimize energy consumption, garnered widespread interest. Two of the visiting students, Jørgen Prytz Fremnes from Norway and Yohana Renelaine Bilba from France, were especially eager and had the opportunity to test drive the electric vehicle, showing great enthusiasm for the project and the potential impact of sustainable transportation technologies.

This visit highlighted Universitas Malikussaleh’s dedication to innovation and sustainability, while also fostering international academic collaboration. The visiting students appreciated the hands-on learning approach and the creative spirit of the university’s engineering students.